The festive season is drawing closer, and the festivities are kicking off with Halloween! It’s everybody’s favourite time to dress up, and we have some cannabis inspired costumes for all the cannabis lovers out there. Keep reading to get inspired for ways to show your pot appreciation this Halloween!
Arguably the most fun of all the festive occasions in the year is just about upon us, and we guess there are probably a lot of cannabis enthusiasts out there looking for hilarious costume ideas. These 12 costume ideas should get the giggles flowing quickly, and will make you the fattest “hit” at your Halloween party this year!
1. The Grim Reefer
The Grim Reefer is a punnier version of the traditional Grim Reaper. Although the Grim Reefer is coming to bring death by giggles!

2. Baked Potato
This is definitely the funniest way to show up to a party as a vegetable!

3. Blunt Master & Spliff
These two costumes come in a pair, for those going to a Halloween party as a couple this year! One is of course, the blunt master, and the other the spliff. You can spend the party arguing over who’s a better smoke!

4. The Zig Zag Guy
Beware – this costume requires some finely trimmed facial hair! Make sure that if you dress up as the Zig Zag guy, you’re constantly holding your joint and papers!

5. Cheech & Chong
A Halloween party wouldn’t be complete without Cheech and Chong showing up. This is another hilarious idea for couples. They are the most classic stoner duo in history, so prepare to get very very blazed!

6. The Head Nurse
Somebody always wants to dress up as a sexy nurse at Halloween parties and it’s outdated. This nurse is coming with all the new goods, and is dispensing only organic material!

7. Organic Dirtbag/Organic Pothead
Well the person wearing this costume is either an organic dirtbag or an organic pothead, depending on which way you look at him. Either way, he’s probably carrying weed!

8. Towelie
For all of those South Park lovers out there, this is Halloween inspiration for you. Towelie is a hit at parties, and of course likes to take hits at parties!

9. Storm Trooper
Well, if you can’t find a cannabis related character or a piece of smoking paraphernalia you would like to dress up as, you could always dress up as a strain! This strain of cannabis was named after the Star Wars character, and is much cooler than the ordinary Star Wars character himself!

10. The Bong Costume
Well, if all else fails you can show up to Halloween as the human bong. This costume is probably not for the faint-hearted, as it doesn’t look like the most comfortable of costumes!

11. White Widow
Halloween costume ideas don’t have to be limited to famous cannabis characters either. You can dress up as a strain! Dressing up as the White Widow means you can show up to your parent’s Halloween party without them even knowing you are endorsing stoner culture!

12. Rastafarian/Jamaican themed costume
Finally, you can’t go wrong in a Rastafarian or Jamaican themed outfit. Everyone will instantly recognize you as having an affinity for Mary Jane. Just make sure you’ve got your stash organized, because you will probably be the one at the party everyone comes looking for to smoke some pot!
Got some great ideas for my Halloween costume here. Thanks!