It is so easy to fall into the trap of giving the same old Mother’s Day present again and again. But this woman is the most important person in your life! A canna-lovin’ mother deserves a canna-lovin’ gift. In this article, we’ll give you some awesome ideas for gifts to give this Mother’s Day.
Maybe cannabis moments are something special that you get to share with your own mother. Then again, not all of us are so lucky. But you probably know a badass mother who likes to use weed every now and then! So, forget about buying lame and overdone Mother’s Day presents. Get that special weed-smokin’ mother in your life a canna-gift this Mother’s Day.
Not all of these gifts on this list will get your special lady high, so whatever her preferences (or mommy schedule) might be, we can guarantee that the perfect gift for your mom will be on this list!
Ah, tea towels and Tupperware boxes are way too generic. She is probably hoarding all of those repeated Mother’s Day presents in the garage somewhere, waiting for the chance to “re-gift” them on the sly.
Do the right thing. Be the person who gives cool gifts. And if you don’t know what to buy, we have some good ideas for you!
1. Dope On A Rope Soap

Sometimes soap is one of those weird gifts to give someone. It comes laced with the accusation that “you smell bad”. But this bar of soap is just begging to be hung up in a stoner’s bathroom.
The Dope On A Rope Soap is made with hemp oil, so your canna-lovin’ mother is likely to enjoy the smell and feel. Plus, it just looks dope hanging up in the shower.
This gift is extremely affordable at $6 US. And, no matter where in the world you are, this gift is a legal one.
2. Her own herb garden
Arguably one of the greatest gifts that you can give a mother who loves to smoke weed. She probably hates spending money on it. So, give her the opportunity to make her own herb garden – with some of the best seeds. You can complement the seeds with a grow planner that will help her stay organized during the grow.
Don’t be afraid to be creative with this one. You can already germinate the seeds, plant them in small pots, and present them as baby seedlings. Plus, pot plants look great with ribbons wrapped around them (even if there’s nothing growing out of them yet).

If your weed mom is a fruit lover, you could plant the sweet Papaya strain for her. If she’s all about the girl power, why not provide some New Purple Power! And if she is the romantic kind, then a baby Northern Lights seedling wouldn’t go astray.
3. A Cannabis Colouring Book
Does the important mother in your life fancy herself an artist? Or perhaps you just think that she could do with some colour therapy – i.e., smoking weed and getting intimate with colours and psychedelic patterns.
The Killer Weed Coloring Book was made for stoners. A cannabis artist famously known as Trog put together the illustrations inside this book. Colouring in can be just as therapeutic as using cannabis, so using both at the same time makes for some killer therapy!
4. A stylish leather pouch for stashing
There’s nothing worse than a god-awful stash spot that looks like the remains after an earthquake. Loose pieces of weed everywhere, papers all crinkled up, tobacco and other rolling mixes all over the place! If you’re tired at looking at this special mother’s weed drawer, then a practical solution is a leather pouch to organize it.
This leather pouch is handmade (how fancy!) and has a compartment specifically to store papers. Weed, tobacco and other rolling mixes can be stored in the pouch itself and put away neatly. For the gentle encouragement of organizing the weed drawer this Mother’s Day.
5. Something other than a cookbook
Cannabis cookbooks are quickly becoming one of those over-gifted items on birthdays, Mother’s Days and Christmases. So, you can be more creative if the mother in your life is a bit of a book nerd. There are books about cannabis on the shelves that haven’t got anything to do with how to infuse it into a pizza.
The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm For Wellness by Steve DeAngelo is a must read for cannabis lovers of the modern age. It is what every stoner should know about what they smoke, from the history of its use as medicine to the effects prohibition had on its personality.
6. A Herbal Smoking Mix
Is your mother always asking you for a nug because she ran out of her stash? As they say: “give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats forever”.
Be a good teacher to that special mother by gifting her a herbal smoking mix! It will add some flavour to her weed experience (if that’s what she’s into) and will also help her make her stash last way longer!
For those who are rolling with tobacco, a herbal smoking mix is also a great healthy alternative! They usually come with great smokeable herbs mixed in such as rose, damiana and lion’s tail.
7. The Pax 3
Nothing screams love like a new vaporizer. Okay, this gift definitely isn’t for those who are looking to get through Mother’s Day without leaving a dint in the wallet. The super fancy Pax 3 vaporizer costs €250, but it’s one flaming (or non-flaming) vaporizer.
Other than the fact that it is actually a great machine, this device just looks awesome. I can’t see any woman being disappointed to have this vaporizer as an accessory in her handbag.
8. A ceramic filter
Just to mix things up a little bit! Ceramic filters aren’t something that you usually catch people using these days, but they are nifty little tools. Not only does it mean that there’s literally no trash made from smoking a joint, but they make you feel like you’re smoking from a pipe.
They are reusable, so long as they get cleaned with a pipe cleaner every now and then. And maybe you can add a little extra love to the gift by putting it in a sweet little pouch. That way it won’t get lost, either.
It’s a perfect gift that you can usually pick up online, like these that have special designs on them. They aren’t expensive at all, and would be a nice surprise for someone who loves to smoke joints.
Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to spoil the mother in your life, whether it’s your own, the mother of your own children or even a friend who’s an awesome mother. But don’t literally spoil her Mother’s Day with the same old gift you get her every year. Spoil her with one of these gift ideas instead!