8 Christmas Gifts That Stoners Will Love

8 Christmas Gifts That Stoners Will Love - WeedSeedShop

Are you wondering what to buy for all of your stoner friends this Christmas? Well, we have some very creative suggestions for you. It doesn’t matter what your budget is or who you’re buying for, we know a cannabis gift that they will love!

Do you want to give a thoughtful, personalized gift this Christmas? If you have family or friends that are cannabis enthusiasts, you can give a gift that they will cherish forever. It will put you in the hall of fame of being one of those great gift givers, instead of opting for socks and scented candles.

If you’re lucky enough to have many cannabis lovers in your life, show them how much you love them with a gift that is perfect. Weed Seed Shop has you covered on great gift ideas this Christmas, so use this list to get inspired!

1. Give the gift that gives back to you: cannabis seeds!

If you give the gift of cannabis seeds, then you can basically guarantee yourself a sweet little baggie in a few months. If you have friends who love to be in the garden (and who also love to smoke ganja), then seeds from Weed Seed Shop could be the perfect gift for them. Make sure you choose wisely, depending on their abilities as a green thumb as well as the climate where you live.

And why not stick to the Christmas theme when selecting strains? Ice or Swiss Miss for a white Christmas, the Northern Lights which you can only see during the winter, Misty and Crystal are some perfectly suitable suggestions! Is the person you’re giving a gift to not a fan of Christmas? Help them forget all about it with Amnesia!

After a few months, your friend will probably gift you with a bag of home-grown weed. You won’t know whom to thank for it – your friend or yourself!

2. A cannabis cookbook

A lot of cannabis enthusiasts love food. Let’s be honest. There’s no time that food is more enjoyable as when you’re stoned. So, if you know someone who loves food and loves to smoke the herb, maybe it’s time to give the gift of a cannabis cookbook.

If you don’t know where to start, we have some recommendations for you:

  • Sweet Mary Jane by Karin Lazarus contains a mountain of cannabis-infused desserts. It’s the perfect cookbook for someone who has an intense sweet tooth.
  • For those who err on the healthier side of food, you can buy The Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook by Robin Griggs Lawrence. The recipes in this book are designed to make you feel good while getting stoned at the same time.
  • Now, some of our cannabis enthusiast friends are connoisseurs of the kitchen. That means they aren’t really into basic food. They like it high-end. So if you know someone who prefers to get really creative in the kitchen, you can buy The 420 Gourmet: The Elevated Art of Cannabis Cuisine. This book was written by Jeff The 420 Chef, but isn’t recommended for beginners in the kitchen.
  • For a more specialized cuisine, we recommend Baked Italian by Yzabetta Sativa. This book contains recipes belonging to the Italian cuisine, with of course the addition of the cannabis herb.
  • Finally, a book for those who like to whiz up munchies food: Hash Brownies, Hot Pot and Other Marijuana Munchies by Dr Hash. This book was put together by a self-proclaimed cannabis medicine man, whose aunt’s real name was Mary Jane. She introduced him to the cannabis cuisine culture, and this is his legacy to his aunt and the world.

But hey, we know that the holidays can be crazy expensive. Need to save up? We’ve got you covered! Just print out our recipes for cannabis teas, cannabutter, raw cannabis juice or cannabis cocktails, we won’t tell anyone!

3. Build Your Own weed Christmas hamper!

Building hampers can be a lot of fun, especially if it means you get to go out and collect a whole range of delicious things. You can start with cannabis infused honey, which can be purchased online or at cannabis dispensaries or you can easily make your own. You can add other sweets to the hamper, cheeses or wines. If you start early, you can even infuse your own wine with cannabis and add that to your hamper.

Cannabis chocolates and cupcakes are other great additions to a canna-hamper. You can also infuse some coconut oil with cannabis, or even make your own homemade cannabutter to give away. And what about those rosin, hash, bong and topicals tutorials we shared with you in the past?

Building your own hamper doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you have some weed lying around that you can infuse into a variety of different things.

4. Bongs, vapes and other smoking paraphernalia

8 Christmas Gifts That Stoners Will Love - WeedSeedShop

Imagine the delight of unwrapping a brand-new bong or vape on Christmas day. This is a gift you can give to someone who loves to smoke weed. Perfect for any price range, this gift is something that every stoner will appreciate.

There are so many cool bong creations these days that you could really give someone a gift they’ll never forget. If you have a lot of money to spare, you could even invest in a decent vaporizer. You can also bet that your friend will blaze you up on Christmas day with their new piece!

5. Rolling boards and trays, papers and blunt wraps

Some of your stoner friends probably love the ritual of rolling up before they smoke. They are something like sensei master joint rollers. Show your appreciation for the fact that they always roll a mean joint by buying them a bamboo rolling board or a RAW rolling tray. They usually come with rolling machines.

8 Christmas Gifts That Stoners Will Love - WeedSeedShop

Add to the package by putting some rolling papers in there, filter tips and blunt wraps. Your sensei master joint roller will love this gift, and you’ll also have the pleasure of smoking a fat Christmas blunt!

6. A bud sampler gift pack

Maybe you are a grower and have many different strains of weed lying around. Or perhaps you have a bit of money to splurge at the local dispensary or coffee shop. You can pick several different strains and create a sampler pack for your friend who loves to try different kinds of weed. It doesn’t need to be a lot of weed – just a gram of each different kind. All together you might just give away five grams of weed, but your friend will love having a variety to choose from.

If you need a little inspiration for a bud sampler pack, here are 5 strains that are perfect as a Christmas gift:

  1. White Widow is a great strain carrying a lot of medicinal value. It gives a powerful boost of energy and euphoria, making it a great strain for lowering stress over the holiday season.
  2. Swiss Miss is another very appropriate strain for Christmas. It grows with almost white coloured buds, making it fit perfectly in your Christmas hamper. It tastes delicious and is unique and rare in comparison to other strains, making it a perfect sampler.
  3. Misty is another lovely strain for both recreational and medical cannabis users. It is a perfect pain reliever, but at the same time brings a euphoric and happy high. Whether it’s being used at a party or alone, it’s a perfect sampler.
  4. Skunk – you can’t argue with this strain. The smell will definitely make your sampler pack a delicious treat for your family member or friend. A classic strain of weed that is loved among stoners.
  5. Durban Poison is a great sativa strain, perfect for a Christmas party. It is energetic and uplifting and perfect for sharing. Add this strain to your bud sampler pack and encourage your friend to share it around!

7. CBD oil for the occasional user

Not everybody loves to get stoned but can enjoy the healing effects of weed. Weed Seed Shop stocks a powerful CBD oil that you could gift to your mother or even your grandma. Then you can share in the love of weec together with them!

8. Gifts for your lover

There are a whole plethora of sex-related cannabis products on the market these days.

  1. Cannacondoms are just one kind, but you can be much more creative than that. A cannabis infused coconut oil could be perfect for a massage. You can buy cannabis lubricant by Foria which will get your lady’s private bits very
  2. If that isn’t enough, there’s even a weed vibrator on the market. The Ganja Vibes Mary Jane Vibrator is a cannabis leaf shaped vibrator. If you know someone who isn’t afraid to get kinky with weed, this is definitely an exciting Christmas gift. It can be purchased online and comes with an egg and lubricant in case your lover doesn’t feel like sharing!
  3. Depending on where you live in the world, you might also have access to Sexxpot, a strain of weed designed specifically for enjoying in the bedroom. Its properties increase physical sensations and libido, releasing inhibitions to encourage a very exciting time in the bedroom. Interestingly, it has lower levels of THC so that nobody gets too high to get any business done.

It doesn’t matter who your significant other is, there is a perfect cannabis gift for them. Cannabis gifts are the kind that keep on giving, because it means you will also probably get smoked up or even lured into the bedroom. Enjoy giving the gift of cannabis this Christmas!

Make sure to check out our Holiday survival guide with Mary Jane, where you can learn tips and tricks of surviving a stressful holiday season with weed. If you have more creative cannabis gift ideas for Christmas, don’t be afraid to share them in the comments section!


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  • Author_profiles-WSS-Sera Jane Ghaly

    Sera Jane Ghaly

    I like to call myself the traveling gypsy wanderer of the world. Born in Melbourne Australia, but reborn just about everywhere else in the world. I have a healthy obsession with words and languages, using them as a vehicle to navigate this multi-dimensional human experience. My enthusiasm for marijuana started in the USA, and since then I’ve been traveling the world with the herb as my inspiration. Sweet Mary Jane has led me to shamanic ceremonies in the Amazon all the way to smoking ganja with the Babas in India.
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