Wow, amazing plant, germinated fast, strong plants, very easy to grow, i planted all 3 of my seeds, all of them grew well, but the feno types where a little different, but simular, they all looked pretty much the same but two out of three smelt great, butter creamy, everybody loved it! 1 out the 2 had a lot of purple! Was excited because it was my first purple strain with a great taste, sweet gelato and great smell, butter cream smell with frosty nugs and purple shades... its a great strain i hope sensi seed doesnt stop doing them.. i would just say, sensi seed just needs to work on trying to narrow down the feno types (if possible) as some times its a bit of a plant and hope for the best with their seed, 80percent of the time you get the feno you expect the other 20 percent its random.. but when they are good they are very good! I love the purple butter cream gelato!